Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A photo a day ...

I am joining up with FatMumSlim this month and am going to give her " A photo a day" challenge a go!!  I am a little late joining in but am going to try and stick with it for the rest of the year.  I think it will be great fun to look back and remember.  So here goes ....

February, Day 1:

Your View:

My view today was my little office and it's many little piles of things "to do".  Although it isn't my favorite view, that would be the faces of my sweet babes, I do feel blessed to have these things "to do"!  I really have the best of both worlds in that when I am at work if my kids need me I am free to be there for them and am able to take care of what I need to at work in a "part-time" schedule.  I have enjoyed being back in this little office and honestly really enjoyed my view today!

1 comment:

Mechele said...

Stopping by from the Feb. photo challenge. Love that your from AL, so am I. Looking forward to seeing more of your photos.
Barrow's Blissful Life