Hey there Georgi Girl! My sweet 2nd born (you were born 6 minutes before your twin brother) born July 8, 2010 at 2:18pm. Even though you were almost 10 weeks early you were so beautiful with a head full of curly, reddish/brown hair and the prettiest little lips I had ever seen.
We should have known from your dramatic entrance into this world that you were going to be a HAND FULL!! You are in to everything .... You broke your sac inside of my tummy at 31 weeks gestation, you walked at 10 months, climbed out of your crib at 12 months and love to be at the highest point of whatever you can find!! You have fallen off of your changing table, climbed and fallen off of the kitchen table 2 times so far and fallen off of the couch more times than I can count! ;o) Your favorite place to play is in the cabinets and I mean IN the cabinets!! You will get up on the top shelf inside the cabinet and Jake will shut the door, it's so funny! We call you spider monkey and mountain goat all the time!!
You're personality is so much like your daddy. You are serious and reserved in a crowd but when you are on your turf and comfortable you are such a clown. When you smile your eyes disappear and you have the cutest little dimple on your right cheek.
You love music and love to dance. At the first sound of music you stop immediately and break it down! Your brother and sister love to dance with you but don't have quiet the skills you have. I've never seen a little body move like you can move yours. It is so cute and we could sit and watch it all day.
You are talking more and more everyday and mostly just jibber jabber with your brother but you do say a view legible words. The words that you are saying are Momma, DaDa, Bubba, MeMe, Lu, No No, Pretty, Ball, Cookie (Tootie), Juice, Baby, Bottle (BaBa), Night, Night, Thank You, JuJu, NeaNea and BoBo.
You love your brother and even though you two fuss like brothers and sisters often do, your bond is obvious. You guys will sometimes sit indian style across from each other and talk and laugh .... it is the sweetest thing. You are concerned when he cries and love to give him kisses. You have just started grabbing him by the hand and leading him around. You guys like to team up on me and get into all kinds of mischief, you are partners in crime. I pray that you two always stay the best of friends.
You are pretty smitten with your big sister, as well. You follow her and mimic her and try so hard to do exactly whatever she is doing. I am so glad you have a "sister" and hope that your relationship will be as special as mine is with my sisters. She thinks you are the cutest thing ever and you guys love to hold hands and you love sitting in her lap!
You are very independent and don't need a whole lot of cuddles but when you do give them out you give the best kisses and hugs!. However, when your daddy walks in the room, you melt and I swear you bat your eyes and pucker up to give him sugars!
you are my Itty Bitty Baby girl and I love you so much. Your daddy and I can't get enough of you. You keep us laughing and on our toes and we would not have it any other way. When I put you and your brother to sleep at night, you always cry out for me about 10 minutes after and I go in and pick you up, you put your head on my shoulder and squeeze tight and then you are ready to go back down. It is secretly one of my most favorite times of the day and I will be so sad when you grow out of that. I so look forward to our life with you in and can't wait to see wonderful things you "stir" up! We love you, Tiddy Bit!
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